Pump It Up Pump Service, Inc

Most Common Residential Well Services in AZ

If you’re an Arizona resident, you understand the importance of well water in your home.

But what types of wells are there, and when do you need well servicing?

The three main types of wells are drilled wells, driven wells, and dug wells.

However, one of the most common types of residential well services provided in Arizona handles issues with the water pressure tank. 

To learn more about the most common residential well service provided in Arizona, then keep reading for information you won’t want to miss. 

What Kind of Wells Are There?

You may be wondering what types of wells are used residentially.

Drilled wells require drilling to locate groundwater, while driven wells require a pipe to access groundwater.

The third type of well is a dug well, which can access an aquifer below the ground if it’s less than 50 feet. 

Since each type of well is constructed differently, problems and servicing vary from type to type.

Common Issues With Drilled Wells

One of the most common issues with drilled wells is frost heaving.

Since water expands as it freezes, pressure results.

Frost heaves force the ground to move upwards and outwards, causing damage to the structural integrity of your well. 

Professional residential well services are able to install frost sleeves or relocate your conduit below the frost line in your yard. 

Common Issues With Dug Wells

For residents with dug wells, one of the main issues is contamination.

Due to the fact that these wells are often dug by hand, it’s easier for contaminated runoff water to infiltrate your water system and contaminate your drinking water. 

Additionally, hand dig wells pose safety threats to children in the event that they lack child-proof walls and covers.

Contact a professional well-pump service immediately to have your well inspected and your water tested for safety

Common Issues With Driven Wells

While driven wells are the most affordable to build, they also come with contamination risks.

They work best in shallow water but if they lack appropriate grout seals, groundwater can become contaminated as with dug wells.  

Driven wells can also suffer from clogs as a result of bacteria or silt accumulation.

Minerals such as calcium and other forms of debris can also lead to clogs.

If you suspect a clog within your well, contact a professional well-pump service before matters get worse. 

Residential Well Service

No matter what kind of residential well you have in Arizona, they are various problems that can arise.

One of the most common issues is groundwater contamination.

It can pose a health threat to you and your family, especially infants, children, and the elderly. 

Luckily, professional well-pump services can inspect and repair your well and restore your drinking water.

Contact Empire Pump Corporation today for a free price quote, and for all your residential well service needs.

Contaminated drinking water should never be taken lightly; call us today to schedule your next inspection and for well water testing. 

If youโ€™re looking for a trusted well pump contractor in Arizona to assist with well services, connect with Pump It Up Pump Services; a top well service company. Call at 623-582-5069 today to learn more.

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