Pump It Up Pump Service, Inc

Summer Well Maintenance Tips in Arizona

Do you have a well system in your yard, but you’re unsure how to take care of it?

There’s no need to panic; you’ve come to the right place, and we’re here to offer you some need-to-know summer well maintenance tips that will ensure the longevity of your well.

If you want to continue maintaining a healthy well, this well-maintenance advice will be helpful to follow.

Read on now and start caring for your well the right way.

Test Your Water

During spring or early summer, people seek to declutter and clean their homes; caring for your well should be no different.

It’s the perfect time to test your water for any contaminants that might be dangerous to consume.

We recommend contacting a professional who understands how to test and treat your water correctly.

After the initial testing, if you want to ensure you continue to have refreshing drinking water, you should have the water tested regularly.

While your water is being tested, you can ask about water well maintenance tips you can follow that will reduce the chances of your water supply becoming contaminated in the future.

Reduce Plant Life Surrounding the Well

What could be better than seeing a variety of beautifully planted flowers growing around your well?

While this might serve as a great spot for plant life, you should ensure you keep plants around your well cut down.

Plantlife that grows around your well will be attractive to you but also to wildlife that’s in the area.

When you attract animals to your well, it increases the chances of bacteria and harmful contaminants getting into your water supply.

It’s best to go with a low maintenance grass option or if there were already flowers present when your well was dug, keep it trimmed low. ‘

The lower the plants and flowers, the less attractive your well will appear to animals.

Avoid Using Pesticides Near the Well

In the U.S, people use 10 times the recommended amount of pesticides and fertilizers in their yards to protect their plants and gardens from invading pests and bacteria that could ruin them.

While it’s okay to use them in your garden, the last thing you want is for the pesticides to get into your water supply.

While you might not be able to avoid using fertilizers and pesticides, you should use them as far away from the well as possible.

Keep in mind even if you use the pesticides across the yard, there still is a chance that it could contaminate your water supply through groundwater.

If you want to keep your water well safe, you might want to reconsider using these chemicals.

Helpful Summer Well Maintenance Tips

Our summer well maintenance tips will help you protect your well water supply. It’s best to reduce plant life around the well and avoid using pesticides near it.

Do you need to have a new pump installed or your water tested? Contact Pump It Up & Empire Pump today.

Do you need help getting your residential well pump or commercial well pump service for summer? Since 1946, the Empire Pump and Pump It Up team have been helping Arizona residents ensure they have reliable and safe well water all year long! Give our team a call today at (623) 582-5069 or request service online.

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